Wednesday 25 July 2012

Knowing but not showing

Knowing but not showing

There was a young boy in our neighborhood, whom everyone knew was a bit slow. He did not have any friends as everyone regarded him ’stupid' and did not want to play with him.

One day a group of boys were playing in the park, when they saw the young boy. One of the elder boys called out to him, "Hey kid, come herel” The boy obediently walked over. The older boy took a $1 coin in one hand and a fifty cents coin in the other, and asked the child to take his pick. The child took the fifty cents coin and everyone laughed. Soon this news spread and everyone wanted to play this game with the young child. It becomes a regular party trick. And every time the ‘slower’ boy would take the fifty cents coin instead of $1.

A concern adult finally took the slower boy aside and told him that even though the $1 coin was smaller it was more valuable. “l know!" said the boy. “Then why don’t you take it?" asked the adult. “Because then he will stop playing with me,” replied the boy.

Who is the smarter among the two?

Moral of the story
Those of us who have goals in mind would not be afraid to look foolish in front of others

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