Friday 20 July 2012

The Eagle and the Chicken

The Eagle and the Chicken

Once upon a time, there was a large mountainside, where an eagle’s nest rested. The eagle’s nest contained four large eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain, to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. The chicken knew that they must protect and care for the eagle’s egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture and raise the large egg. The egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, however. The eagle was raised to be a chicken. Soon, the eagle believed he was nothing more than a chicken.

One day an eagle flying nearby saw the little eager mingling together with the other chickens. He flew down to talk to the young eagle. All the chickens ran away because they were terrified of the eagle. The young eagle also tried to run but was stopped by the adult eagle. The adult eagle asked. ‘What are you doing here with the chickens? You are an eagle just like me. You can fly like me and your home is high up among the cliff." The young eagle was confused and could not accept the fact that he was an eagle. The young eagle said, “I am a chicken and this is where I belong, together with the other chickens. See, I cannot fly!" The adult eagle then grabbed the young eagle in its claws, and with a mighty swish of its wings, proceeded to fly to nearby cliff. The adult eagle said, “I am going to teach you how to fly.”
The flying lesson began and to his bewilderment, the young eagle discovered that he could indeed fly." Of course, he fell many times before succeeding. He discovered his true self with the help of the adult eagle, and never again went back to the chickens.

Moral of the story
You become what you believe you are; so if you ever dream to become an eagle follow your dreams and sometimes, along the way, we need those who can see the "eagle" in us to bring out the eagle in us.

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